Week three was a wet one but the crew still managed to stay right on schedule. Overcast skies definitely added to the eerie storyline and feel of the movie.
Monday found the crew settling in at the Swander residence – their primary location for the week. The farm was used for Hank and Dorothy Purvis' house. The Swanders were very gracious and always willing to lend a hand. Thank you!
The entire week was action packed and included a snowmobile, trucks and motorcycles, stunts, chickens, a helicopter, and amazing FX make up. Cast and crew both were phenomenal. We can't tell you any more than that...you'll just have to watch the movie.
The shoot ended on Friday with a flurry of packing, a champagne toast, and many goodbyes as crew members parted ways. Now on to post production!
Photo taken by Craig Caugh.