Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Perfect Conditions for “Fitful” Second Unit

Almost all of Fitful’s second unit shooting is done. We took advantage of a tiny window of great weather and were able to get some excellent “morning” shots and super creepy night shots. The aerials and on water views of the derelict ship turned out better than even we could imagine and will establish the remoteness of our primary location.

Special thanks to Great Lakes Air, Inc. pilot Andy Enos. We couldn't have gotten what we needed without his expert flying.

Our casting agency is hard at work out in LA. They know absolutely everyone and it’s good to have them working on our behalf.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Just wondering if there are any stagehand type positions open. I'd loved to be involved with the making of a movie. If you do have something, my email address is Thanks for writing the blog, it's great to be able to read about the behind the scenes!


